Twenty-two languages form the back border of each card in our Presence: Bite-sized wisdom for Global Leaders card deck. Half of the languages are the ones most spoken today. The remaining languages hold an important consciousness that still resonates in humanity as a world heritage. Collectively, the languages showcase the unity and diversity inherent in modern leadership.
What role does language play in the leadership of today: the Global Leader? Viewing language as a way to serve ourselves, others, and all life seems critical to understanding the underlying power of words. Experts assert that language holds the power to heal, breathe life into our purpose and passions, and even create our reality.
"There are nearly seven thousand known languages used on Mother Earth today," Zhi Gang Sha, a Tao grandmaster and healer, writes in Daily OM. "Each physical language is powerful. Imagine the power of seven thousand languages serving every human being on Mother Earth."
Furthermore, Sha affirms that language supports and nourishes us in a variety of ways. "Language can make us happy, peaceful, or excited," he says. "Language can inspire and motivate us. Language can bring inner joy. Nobody doubts that language has great power to influence our lives."
Language Helps Us to Heal and to Embody Wisdom
Experts suggest that the way we use language becomes a healing and liberating force in our lives. Language helps us to confront our fears and to become more authentic. Language supports us to overcome cultural challenges and systemic barriers so we can heal wounds from the past and restore ourselves to our true base of power.
Language as a healing force can be especially the case for women. "Language is an accessible way women can reconnect with their power and consciously create alignment between what they want to achieve and what they say," states psychologist Susannah Baldwin in her 2021 book Women, Language, and Power.
Moreover, language aids us in accessing and communicating the clarity, insight, and deep knowing that constitutes wisdom. Sha suggests that the more we develop our potential, the more inner power we gain.
When we deepen our relationship with ourselves, we tap into purer and more profound insights from universal intelligence, Sha says. From this universal wisdom, we can create purer and more profound language. And through language, we share this wisdom with others.

Sha further suggests that a "Soul Language" exists that goes beyond words and helps us connect with the deepest parts of ourselves. Soul Language, he writes, taps into the "most ancient teachings and wisdom held within the universe, within Mother Earth, within those around you, and in fact within all of the Soul World."
Indigenous people have long taught that our relationship to the Earth and all her creatures creates a ripe environment for cultivating wisdom within ourselves. Indigenous activist and advocate Tiokasin Ghosthorse, a member of the Cheyenne River Lakota Nation of South Dakota, sees conscious languages and indigenous languages as cures of the Earth.
In a 2020 article in Kosmos Journal, Ghosthorse writes that we benefit in unique ways when we engage in a "deeper dialogue with the living planet that holds the wisdom we seek." This dialogue with Nature brings forth insights and clarity that illuminate our individual lives and our awareness of the whole. Nature helps us become more authentic. "Conscious languages do not require a logic of believing but rather, a trans-logic of knowing that the Earth does not lie and only speaks the truth with conscious respect for all Beings," Ghosthorse states. Living in this greater truth allows us to heal and to act with greater wisdom for the benefit of all life.
Language Accelerates Our Path to Purpose and Passion
Obviously, language is powerful in its ability to unite us and diversify us. Mark Turin, an anthropologist and linguist, reminds us that the sheer number of unique languages serves to celebrate the rich cultural diversity of our planet. Languages hold the framework through which people interact with life, Turin asserts in a 2017 article in Kosmos Journal.
Our Presence: Bite-sized wisdom for Global Leaders card deck celebrates both the unity and diversity of modern leadership as revealed through language. Twenty-two languages form the back border of each card, as shown in the graphic below.
Twenty-two Languages on Each Presence Card Showcase the Unity and Diversity of Modern Leadership

The back of each card includes the concept word in English. The border includes ten languages that, in addition to English, are the most spoken languages in the world today. These languages are: Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Bengali, Portuguese, French, German, and Japanese. The remaining languages on the border of each card are widely spoken or hold an important consciousness that still resonates in humanity as a world heritage. These languages are: Aramaic, Dutch, Farsi, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Irish, Latin, Punjabi, Quechua, Sanskrit, and Swahili.
Anthropologist Turin suggests that the future survival of humanity just might depend highly on the wide variety of languages we speak. Every language encodes knowledge about the local agriculture, botany, medicine, and ecology, Turin states. When a language goes extinct, that wisdom and knowledge die with it.
"Linguistic diversity is an integral component in ecological stability and the fabric of cultural life," Turin concludes.
Yet language also unifies us, both externally and internally. Language creates a common understanding for groups of people. And within our own bodies, science is discovering that language unifies our thoughts, feelings, and actions so we can focus on our purpose, passion, and highest goals. The structure of language itself—the words we think and speak—can change the way the neurons in our brains and hearts connect, Gregg Braden writes in his 2020 book The Wisdom Codes. Creating coherence between the brain and heart creates internal unity and supports us in finding our purpose and living more into our true potential.
Purpose means that you operate from your uniqueness, unique gifts, and individual genius. Passion is the state in which you can actualize your true desires. Together, purpose and passion empower you to live your full potential.
"If we think of our creations as the expression of ideas that live within us, then our art, film, music, and writing take on a meaning of something more than simple entertainment," states Braden, a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. "Such a relationship between our inner and outer worlds leads us to view our inspiration as consciousness informing itself—reminding us of our untapped possibilities and potential."
Language Creates a Reality of Abundance and Excellence to Embody Global Leadership
Braden states that these new discoveries in biology and the neurosciences are revealing ways that our brain responds chemically to harmonize our biology with life-affirming thoughts and emotions.
This re-wires us in such a way that it "impacts our perception of reality itself" and helps us find certainty in an uncertain world, Braden writes. "It's precisely these changes that gives us the wisdom, confidence, and power to awaken a deeper power within ourselves," he states.
The Bible informs us that in the beginning, there was the "Word," and that "Word" brought everything into being. In the same way, what we humans think and speak has "this 'creation' effect on the everything," personal growth author R. Neville Johnston writes in Daily OM.
"All words are words of power because the universe responds to any vibration we humans make," Johnston says. He states that our words inform universal intelligence, which then responds to those words and mirrors our beliefs back to us.
Diana Turner-Forte, a dance and movement teacher, proposes that becoming more conscious about our thoughts and words provides a foundation for better living. "All of us have a responsibility as conscious, breathing, living human beings to work toward the evolution of a good, beautiful and thriving world," she writes in an essay in Kosmos Journal in 2019. "We are either speaking truth, acting with dignity, raising others up, or going in another direction."
Thus, our thoughts and words that flow from a mindset of goodwill can help us solve some of our most complex problems and break through to an entirely new reality. Goodwill is a mindset of abundance and excellence that empowers us toward a new model of leadership: the Global Leader. Goodwill maximizes the gifts of all people. Goodwill allows everyone to be a leader, marshaling all aspects of our being: mind, emotions, body, and values and beliefs.
What Is Global Leadership? Global leadership includes all previous forms of leadership and takes it all to a new level. Global Leaders integrate the intelligences of their right brains and left brains. This point of awareness naturally converts knowledge to wisdom. Global Leaders realize our interrelatedness and interdependence. Global Leaders possess a world view. Global Leaders naturally express Goodwill in Every Interaction.
Global Leaders are aware of the interaction of their thoughts, emotions, physical body, and consciousness. They operate holistically, and they skillfully harmonize with their environments to achieve flow within complex realities. They transform reality.
Global leadership results in the nurturing of human potential, improved gender balance, innovation, customer loyalty, and community regeneration.
Baldwin, S. (2021) Women, Language, and Power: Giving voice to our ambition. San Francisco, CA: Roaring Fork Press.
Braden, G. (2020) The Wisdom Codes. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House.
Ghosthorse, Tiokasin. "Indigenous Languages as Cures of the Earth," Kosmos Journal, 2020. Accessed July 13, 2022. Indigenous Languages As Cures of the Earth – Kosmos Journal
Johnston, R. Neville. "Hidden Language Codes." Daily OM. Accessed July 15, 2022. DailyOM - Hidden Language Codes by R. Neville Johnston
Sha, Zhi Gang. "Soul Wisdom: Practical Soul Treasures to Transform Your Life." Daily OM. Accessed July 15, 2022. DailyOM - Soul Wisdom: Practical Soul Treasures to Transform Your Life by Zhi Gang Sha
Turin, Mark. " 'Language Death,' Conflict, and Ecology - a Case Study from Nepal, Kosmos Journal, July 11, 2017. Accessed July 13, 2022. ‘Language Death’, Conflict, and Ecology – a Case Study from Nepal – Kosmos Journal
Turner-Forte, Diana. "Fluency in the Language of Stillness: The Art of Spiritual Living," Kosmos Journal, Fall, 2019. Accessed July 13, 2022. Fluency in the Language of Stillness – Kosmos Journal