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Need to relax and focus? Join us in a meditation. It's a great way to connect to your inner core of goodwill.


Many scientific studies show that 20 minutes to 30 minutes of daily meditation increases self-awareness and compassion, and decreases stress and anxiety.


We invite you to join our weekly Global Goodwill Meditation Group. This worldwide group of people is dedicated to increasing the flow of goodwill around our planet through meditation. We link in meditation at 12 Noon on Wednesdays, all local time zones worldwide.


Our 20-minute guided meditation takes meditation to the next level because it is integrated with our 10 principles of Global Leadership and with our educational products and services. All of this helps you to unify your internal states of existence so that your potential can unfold.

This meditation is on us. So plump up a cushion. Or sit back. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Re-center and re-imagine your world.
Envision Goodwill in
Every Interaction. 

A Free Weekly Initiative



Join Us

At Noon on Wednesdays
All Local Time Zones



Increase the Power and Flow
Of Goodwill Worldwide


Click Button at Left to Begin

Disclaimer: GEI Global Leaders provides this meditation as an aid for self-improvement, relaxation, and decreasing stress. Meditation does not constitute a replacement for medical or psychological treatment, and GEI Global Leaders neither expresses nor implies any claims to the contrary. Anyone meeting the conditions listed below should not use this meditation without first seeking medical advice:

  • Epilepsy sufferers

  • Pregnant women

  • People who wear a pacemaker

  • People prone to seizures

  • People under the influence of medication or drugs

  • Do not use this meditation while under the influence of alcohol or other mood altering substances.

  • Do not listen to this meditation while driving or operating machinery.

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