There are many fun and easy ways you can use the Presence cards to practice global leadership and goodwill in every interaction. Here are a few suggestions:
Focus for the day: Before you begin your day, select a card from your deck. The word on the card is your focus for the day. Carry the card with you. As you engage with others, refer to the card and look for ways to apply the concept. How can you improve your interactions and offer more effective leadership?
Focus at night: Before you go to bed, select a card from your deck. This word is your meditation as you relax at the end of your day. When you go to sleep, your subconscious will work with your chosen word and help devise creative ways to apply the concept in your life.
Application in the moment: Before a specific event, meeting, important interaction, or the start of a new project, select a card from your deck. This card represents your intention or theme that you can practice throughout the occasion.
The words on the cards come from our 10 principles of global leadership. So when you use the cards, you automatically are practicing our principles. By practicing the principles, you naturally practice goodwill in every interaction.
As you become more familiar with the cards, feel free to create a style of use that works best for you. The more fun you have with the cards, the more effective they can become in your life. Play is a great way to learn and evolve because it engages your subconscious mind with your conscious mind. Thus, results can come more quickly and easily.